Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What is that leftover resource that you can link to expand your business?

In a world where common sense is considered radical, it is therefore significant to qualify the word “Sustainable” so as to determine what the premise of the word is in relation to what it really is, its use in various applications and how the many are lead to misuse them to its own harm. However, unlike the previous articles where the Blind Spot has to be identified and corrected. Here, it is the idea of the baseline flexibility, here it is to make one see the impenetrable prospect of what is to the fore, the cheapest way and as a rule the most sensible engagement that one can undertake.

Rather than looking from within our own industry and its limited resources, an exposure to the wealth of opportunities that exist is tremendously vast though hard to see since we have from time immemorial been taught to believe that “competition” is the only innate way to exist. This rigid scrutiny found in our textbooks highlighting our biological and ecological system is by the way nothing but only a part of the whole process of growth. This subsequent specialization in science has pervaded our idea of society, our environment and to a large extent our business undertaking which is preoccupied with scarcity, and therefore the need to compete to survive.

In our premise however, scarcity is an indication of a high consumer demand but then there is less supply, in which case, the idea of a shrinking consumer is a false notion to begin with.

What causes business underperformance is not only failure to identify one’s exact role in a niche over a given industry that it is serving, but also identifying the opportunity lost one is encoring by refusing to make alliances to other players who happens to be serving their own peculiar niche in the same industry. In other word, capitalizing on the division of labour in a given space has always been the best formula to maximize higher returns and savings for each one.

In your case, the level of one excellent niche performer divided by the number of other excellent niche performer amount to a higher ratio of execution. Therefore, supply of each growing niche is met due to hastening of production outputs derive from alliances while each niche provider keeps the premium price that it is charging.

Proponent supporters that is contagiously spreading the idea of cooperation and alliances within the industry are Joint Ventures, Partnerships, Tool Further, Sub-Contractor, Franchising; these are some of today’s iconic names that stem from the great many man in business nowadays who has altered the word competitiveness in contrast to expanding its network or its association, to meet the demands of a growing consumer.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What is keeping you from acting over it?

‘Conduct’ viewed from an objective stance is the demeanour of the person with self-interest, and least we regard this as something odious and causing the majority to isolate business from one’s pious conviction, it is necessary to distinguish self-interest from selfishness since the activity of self-interest itself does not necessarily mean an interest to harm someone. This self-interest however become odious or selfish when one would insist on its self-interest to the harm of someone else.

Therefore, any structure or economic system for that matter is neutral in and of itself though it is clear that some systems lean toward easy abuse of power where man’s unrestrained greed then become apparent. 
Greed despite awareness however when not curved will not endure in the face of any given regulation- but it somehow affects it when its self-interest is upset. Therefore the quantity of rules and regulations is not sufficient because to a large degree this suppose measure to avert becomes possible and promising by using the same rule as the designated reference to circumvent them through dishonest adherence.

Not that regulation have no advantage but it is not embryonic enough and therefore slow , chaotic, and also entails expensive legislation, hence as implied in the previous article “Premise of Green Growth Economics” it is not as effective as when a well-informed consumer ceases to buy a product because it affect its self-interest.

In conjunction to a positive side of a controlled conduct, the self-interest of a businessman succeeds strongly not by unscrupulous practice but by providing consumer’s its self-interest in delivering the agreed goods or even better, and doing it time after time after time. 

Having said that, I want you to take time to assess how you respond to the questions below to determine where your failure lies as far as your self-interest rest and where to improve them? 

“Is your product right?”
·         Intended effect
“Is your processing method sound?”
·         Efficient
·         Non-discriminatory
“Is your site right?”
·         Foul
·         Solid Waste and Effluent Management    

There is another blind spot that must be measured since this interferes ones effort to achieve a level of consistency in realizing a quality life to its consumers, and this lie’s in the area where:
1.       Open innovation is hard to come by
2.       Inconsistencies to Policies and Procedures
As an inference, this perplexing management component when not properly plotted will to some extent keep you from obtaining a consistent level of self-interest of consumers.  Therefore it may need a thorough assessment if not an overhaul.  These inconsistencies lounge around how you delegate your workers capacity and task towards consumers and how they can convey these concerns to top level management without being intimidated or oppress.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How is it capable of undermining your new awareness?

Our business marketing mindsets really have a grave consequence to this “new green growth awareness” since unlike our traditional approach which directly resides in selling the product or the service that has been created and therefore its focus rest on the features of the product or the service and discarding why it came up with it in the first place, and this the reason why we end up with a marketing mindset or instruct our marketing agents to merely convince the market to buy our product because of its features.

The heart of marketing however arises from its inception which means in what way does our product or service help consumers solve their immediate interest; indicating that during the inception of the product or service one has already a particular consumer need in mind.

Having said that our green growth awareness is not only trying to explore the depths of a consumers need but adding a “beneficial feature” to our product which they might not even be aware of, for our premise is that a sustainable market or for business to continue it must have healthy consumers. What's more, it is for the best interest of the business to keep those consumers long life since it is by and large cheaper to maintain them than it is to find a new one.

 Another root cause that has influenced an erroneous marketing mindset is the nature of our public corporations since they are governed by investors whose interests rest only on short term profit unlike family corporations whose foundation is to outlive the generations after it and therefore long-term. 
Sadly today “corporate responsibility” has again become to be a by-word to convince consumers of their green credentials, spending a lot of money on commercials and costly lobbying to protect its interest instead of building an ecological balance for long-term sustainability of its business. As an outcome, shortcuts have become civil in the interest of short-term savings and short-lived cost-effectiveness that nonetheless carry a relentless expense because of future drawbacks, not to mention the opportunity lost that one could have spawned.   

Pretence of being green also, though it has actually just scratched the surface if we are to see it from the wider perspective is another fatal short-term solution and especially if alternative answers to a problem are already available in the market.

In conclusion, this type of marketing posture and the character of most corporations is something that we find common to the type of responses from people who highlight their proficiencies instead of putting a premium on learning to facilitate durability or longevity. And therefore one’s conduct plays a very strong indicator that can undermine this new awareness   


Friday, March 28, 2014

What short range remedies are you using that do not fit to the whole Greenliving?

There are elements of transition that must be considered after the cause or the problem has been identified to motivate someone to make that change. The first must be the driver that would essentially bring you through the entire course; this element is the “reason to change”.
  1. What is the reason of the change and why?
  2. What to change and why?
  3. Agreeing to change and why?
  4. And then finally, making the change.

We have so far covered the first 2 elements already which are by and large cognitive in nature, the next 2 generally is the actual processing which can still be cognitive but then also concrete in a sense where semantic tools must be developed to provide an experience and then the actual implementation that follows. Just as the saying goes “good ideas are on the spot or immediate, but the groundwork for implementation can take longer” since this will have to take determination and consistency
  1. To construct a mental settlement or a wider consensus 
  2. Facilitate culture change 
  3. Start implementing a new way of doing business. 

The level of commitment must somehow be protracted to extend one’s reason to change those remedies that are not consistent to where this entire movement is bringing us. So tool for developing how users perceive what is at hand, like
  1. “Does it give value?
  2. Is there a tangible solution?
  3. Is it reasonably economical?”

These are the questions or initial tools that run through one’s mind as they interact with those problems, and they form the basis of your decision to adopt the change because it aids to outfit you to achieve that work that needs to be done.

So, as to the question, what short range corrective remedies are you using because you do not have the adequate tool to support a work that carries a more lastling result is crucial and therefore - one must somehow strive to answer “Yes” to all of those 3 questions above without compromise.


Friday, February 28, 2014

How do you put things in the right order?

That it is important to capture the bigger picture to seize the different activities to bestow what man has wrecked and is trying to fix simultaneously. Yet an accompanying attention must also enumerate the inclusive extent that comes from the confines of your particular business in order to set you to take the motion. Howbeit that the distinction above is apparently noticeable in both its spheres, the framework of carrying it out is one and the same.

I. So while green growth in a detached sense is its attempt by make everyone yield to it, which is to
    prevent, to react, to conserve. Green growth in your case is your responsibility to take active
    involvement within your own confines to lessen the adverse impact of your business from their
  1. Source level
  2. Substitute harmful substance from the production processes
  3. Efficient use of raw materials, water and energy by reducing, reusing and recycling, in order to slow down the production of waste.
II.By the same token of the green growth imperative, businessman’s awareness of “consumers
    prerogative” or “free choice” is not to flare-up competition because of the struggle over a limited
    benefit or gain and then following a clash for survival amongst producers – but a more upbeat
    service to both its patrons as well as to the rest of the other participants to allow a thorough
    utilization of every possible resource available and thus be on the side of a sustainable growth to
    one’s business as well as a sustainable growth of others. So depending on your mental state or
    what mindset you want to carry along from now on, either the:

           a)Stiffening competition and rivalry derived from a dwindling substance or
           b)Efficiency and resourcefulness to the vast resources that is readily available

    This will be the measure of the future of your business in terms of a sustainable growth that is
    ecologically balance, meaning not wasteful and cost-effective.

Hence, these 2 signs of our time are bringing our industry to maturity and a good time to wake up and not only start to put things in the right order but start pulling yourself up your own bootstraps. Good cheers...
